Love is in the air………

It’s Valentine’s Day on the 14th February and many people will be thinking about the L word.

Fuzzy feelings and the glow created by cards and poetry can lead to other things, and it is very easy to get carried away and forget the C word – contraception. Or an accident may befall the wearer of a condom and it may tear or fall off at the wrong moment.

It is at this point that Emergency Contraception should be considered and we can provide it to you free of charge. If you are under 25 you can also get it free from pharmacies.

Emergency hormonal contraception (EHC), often called the ‘morning after pill’ comes in two forms:❤ The first must be taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex, and works best if taken within 24 hours. It consists of one tablet of a hormone called progestogen and can prevent ovulation (release of an egg) which will stop pregnancy occurring. It may also make the lining of the uterus (womb) unsuitable for pregnancy to develop. It is not an abortion, and will not affect your future fertility.

❤ The second is also a tablet, called ellaOne. It is licensed to be given 72-120 hours after unprotected sex. This one needs to be prescribed by a doctor.

There are many old wives tales about the morning after pill, but it can be taken more than once in a cycle if necessary, and will not stop you having a baby when you want one.

EHC is not 100% effective and its efficacy is dependent on where you are in your cycle. A copper coil (IUD) is the only sure method of preventing pregnancy. We can fit these at SHS and this will be discussed when you attend for your EHC.

Taking EHC is not as effective as using regular contraception such as the pill, the implant or the copper coil. We offer a wide range of contraception at Students’ Health Service. Please book in to see us and have a chat about the range of contraception that is available.

There is a lot of information on the internet, much of which is not true or causes anxiety. NHS sites will give you the correct information and enable you to make a decision about what would be best for you. The following site is very easy to use, gives information about emergency contraception and regular methods, and the leaflets are the same as we use at Students’ Health Service:


Think about sex day; Valentine’s Day 2014!

Are you thinking about sex? Maybe. Studies tell us that on average you will do 19 times a day if you’re a man, and 10 times a day if you’re a woman!

It’s normal!

What sort of thoughts? The more graphic thoughts I will leave to your imagination but there are numerous reasons why people will think about sex.

Let’s think of some of the less positive thoughts that may cause distress:-

– Sex is always painful

– I’m not getting enough sex

– I love sex but I’m not sure I’m any good

– Have a caught an STI (sexually transmitted infection)? HIV? Other?

– Sex brings back awful memories for me

– Where shall I get condoms/emergency contraception/sexual health checks from?

– Am I big enough?

– Do my genitals look odd? Am I normal? Is that a wart?

– Fears of pregnancy?

– I’m embarrassed to get help or ask advice


Please don’t sit alone worrying about these things. Often the worry is needless and reassurance is all that is required, but if not, help is out there.

If you’re not sure about what to do about your worry then preferably ask a health professional e.g. GP/practice nurse/local sexual health clinic. Book an appointment with us. Another alternative is to do your own research in books or on the internet but please take care that you use reputable sites.

Sex is normal. Thinking about sex is normal. Do it as often as you like. If you have sex make sure you do it safely.

The most important part is to not be shy or embarrassed but to come and ask. Remember we nearly all do it, think about it and worry about it at some time. If we didn’t then none of us would be here of course!

See below for some great helpful websites and resources


Sexual health – Live Well – NHS Choices

FPA – the sexual health charity | FPA

Symptom Checker, Health Information and Medicines Guide | |

Find Sexual health information and support services – NHS Choices


Have a good day!

The unwelcome memento…

Welcome to a new academic year at university!

Many of you will have enjoyed Freshers week or simply seeing your friends back in Bristol again..…perhaps there has been a bit more celebration than study? Alcohol can contribute to risk-taking behaviour that could lead to unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections.

A survey of 16 – 24-year-olds (Define 2008) found that after drinking alcohol

 •            One in seven have had unsafe sex (i.e. Not using a condom)

•             One in five had sex and later wished they hadn’t

•             One in 10 were unable to remember whether they had sex the night before

•             Many (40%) agreed that they would be more likely to have casual sex

How many of you are nodding in agreement..?

Worryingly, Public Health England (PHE) published data in June that showed that new sexually transmitted infection (STI) diagnoses rose 5% in 2012 to almost half a million….HALF A MILLION!!!!

Although in part due to improvements in data collection, the high STI rates in England suggest too many people are still putting themselves at risk through unsafe sex, especially young adults, and men who have sex with men (MSM). Does this include you?

Chlamydia remained the most commonly diagnosed STI (46%), but considerable numbers of genital warts (16%) and genital herpes (7%) cases were also reported last year. New gonorrhoea diagnoses rose 21%. Those aged under 25 experienced the highest STI rates, contributing 64% chlamydia and 54% of genital warts diagnoses in heterosexuals in 2012.

But “I don’t have any symptoms……so I am ok…..right?”


50% of men and 70-80% of women don’t get symptoms at all with Chlamydia infection.

You have up to a 1 in 10 chance of testing positive to Chlamydia!

 That’s why the National Chlamydia Screening Programme exists- its target is to control Chlamydia and its complications, which can include pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), ectopic pregnancy and infertility in women and epididymitis in men.

The advice is that sexually active under 25 year olds should be screened for Chlamydia EVERY year, and on change of sexual partner. Over the age of 25 you should still seek a test following any change in partner.


So “how can I reduce my chances of picking up an STI?”  Well, you could just stay home and study, but if that isn’t appealing then consider the following options.

 Recalling that many people with infections are unaware of their status, as they don’t have any symptoms (and therefore cant warn you), the best advice is therefore to  –

  • Reduce the number of sexual partners  you have
  • Avoiding overlapping sexual relationships
  • Always use a condom when having sex with casual and new partners
  • Get tested regularly if you’re in one of the higher risk groups (eg MSM)
  • Get screened for chlamydia every year (if aged under 25) and on change of sexual partner.


You can access testing through the Students’ Health Service- see the contraception and sexual health section on our website for more details. You can also pick up a self-testing kit for Chlamydia (and it also tests for Gonorrhoea too) in the practice- they are on the windowsills along the corridors and in the waiting room.

So make sure it’s a memorable start to the new academic year…for all the right reasons and that your not left with an unwelcome memento of that big night out!

Anything Goes

Just returned from a backpacking trip? I bet you have brought back lots of souvenirs, mementos, memories, photos, a lovely tan…? What about Chlamydia, Genital Warts, Herpes, or even HIV?

Yes that innocent looking, healthy, gorgeous person you had unprotected sex with may look like they are clean or may have reassured you they have no infections but how do you know? Some sexually transmitted infections (STIs) have no symptoms… (50% of men and 70-80% of women don’t get symptoms at all with Chlamydia infection), so if some people who have an STI don’t know they are infected- how do you know?

Sun, sea and sex can go hand in hand together with perhaps an increased alcohol intake- ‘beer goggles’ can cause misjudgements about people we sleep with abroad. Inhibitions are lowered and an ‘anything goes’ attitude is created. So you may have also brought back more than you expected from your trip in the form of an STI.

STIs are infections that are spread primarily through person-to-person sexual contact. Blood borne viruses e.g. HIV, Hepatitis B can also be transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy and childbirth, and through blood products.

Common infections include:

  • Gonorrhoea
  • Chlamydia
  • Syphilis
  • Chancroid
  • Human immunodeficiency virus (causes AIDS)
  • Herpes simplex virus 1 and type 2 (causes genital herpes)
  • Human papillomavirus (causes genital warts and certain other subtypes lead to cervical cancer in women)
  • Hepatitis B virus (causes hepatitis and chronic cases may lead to cancer of the liver)
  • Trichomonas

World Health Organisation stats:

  • 499 million new infections of curable sexually transmitted (syphilis, gonorrhoea, chlamydia and trichomoniasis) infections occur yearly. throughout the world with the largest proportion in the region of south and south-east Asia, followed by sub Saharan Africa, and Latin American and the Caribbean, in adults aged 15-49 years
  • Sexually transmitted infections are an important cause of infertility in men and women.
  • Drug resistance, especially for gonorrhoea, is a major threat to STI control globally.
  • STIs can increase the risk of HIV acquisition three-fold or more
  • Untreated gonococcal and chlamydial infections in women will result in pelvic inflammatory disease in up to 40% of cases. One in four of these will result in infertility
  • Herpes simplex virus type 2 infection is the leading cause of genital ulcer disease in developing countries. Data from sub-Saharan Africa show that 30% to 80% of women and 10% to 50% of men are infected. Among women in Central and South America, prevalence ranges from 20% to 40%. In the developing Asian countries, prevalence in the general population ranges from 10% to 30%. In the United States of America, the prevalence of the HSV 2 infection among 14–49-year-olds is 19%
  • Hepatitis B virus results in an estimated 350 million cases of chronic hepatitis and at least one million deaths each year from liver cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Condoms Condoms Condoms!

Think about your sexual health (and contraception) before you go, especially if you are visiting one of the higher risk countries on your travels, and always insist on using a condom! Using a condom greatly reduces your risk for an STI or unwanted pregnancy.


Take a supply of UK kite mark condoms, which you can obtain here at SHS, and take care with latex condoms as these can be damaged with oil based lubricants- Vaseline, sun screen etc… Take an adequate supply of contraception or emergency contraception as these may not be easily obtained in certain countries.

Watch your alcohol and drug intake too, as an increased consumption of these may lead you to having unprotected sex. Think about having a hepatitis B vaccination course before you travel.

Remember it takes only one episode of unprotected sex to leave you with an STI, unwanted pregnancy or HIV.

If you have had unprotected sex whilst away- book into SHS or your local sexual health clinic for a full STI screen.

Remember that some STIs don’t have any symptoms so it’s always worth having a check up on your return.

If you do develop any symptoms don’t worry, just book an appointment to get yourself checked out.


A Very Peculiar Practice… or is it?

I prefer to think of it as a unique and special GP Practice; after all I have worked at Students’ Health for 25 years!!

Nursing and GP colleagues in other practices have been heard to say at every possible opportunity……. “That must be a doddle, looking after students. They are all so healthy! Nice little job with long holidays!”

I say “come and work a day with us and you will be amazed at what we do!”

We experience the rich diversity of students and their lives, and love interacting with them.

 Our working days are unpredictable; from critical to chronic medical situations, chaotic to highly organised patients, all needing an individual response to meet their needs at that point in their lives!

Young people are the future and deserve the best care that we can offer them. 

Health education as in educating how to look after themselves and make good lifestyle choices not just a “sticking plaster service”.

Enabling our patients to be well informed, learn about and find the right contraceptive method.

The University of Bristol Students’ Health Service is a leading edge primary care practice with highly qualified and experienced staff.

The nurses may not deal with many pressure sores or leg ulcers but when it comes to knowing about contraception and sexual health we certainly know our condoms!

Nursing Team

Consists of 9 nurses including 2 Healthcare Assistants and all have their specialist areas such as:

Smoking cessation

Asthma / allergy

Nurse prescribers


Sexual Health and contraception

Mental health

Eating Disorders

Deliberate Self Harm


What can we offer you?

Great, modern facilities

Warm and reassuring welcome

A genuinely patient centred approach based on your individual needs

We really listen and won’t judge you, whatever you come with we have probably seen it before!

Practical support




 What can you do to help us help you?

  • Register with Students’ Health Service when you arrive in Bristol, don’t leave it until you are feeling ill or in crisis
  • Keep your appointments and arrive on time

      We have  a wide variety of appointment times available – early morning, lunchtime, evening and Saturday morning

  • Come and see us before a crisis develops
  • Understand that we will always strive for excellent clinical care, even in difficult circumstances
  • Be aware of other students’ needs, these may have to take priority if someone is seriously ill
  • Look out for each other, especially if your friends are ill
  • Our service is confidential so be honest with us

And most importantly of all have a wonderful time at Bristol University, stay safe and healthy

But if you need to……… Come and see us that is what we are here for!